We believe that sustainability and ESG are strategic topics and not just on-the-side marketing anymore. Companies who do not prepare for the future market situation and demands from new customer behavior and legislation. Drive genuine change opens new business opportunities and greenwashing has become risking business. Due to our unique collaboration between Keepers and Centre for Circular Economy we can provide strategic management training and consultancy to enable leaders to identify opportunities and to build the data foundation to drive the change that will make business relevant also in 10 years.
We believe that not engaging in sustainability and ESG will bring most companies out of business within the next few years. We work in the span of science, finance, data solutions and robotics and can walk from the strategic level to monitoring and driving change together with our customers.
UN Climate Protocol defined the new normal of Scope 1, 2 and 3. Today many companies work on building their scope 1 and 2 even though that main ESG-impacts are in scope 3. We assist companies in selecting and defining their scope 3 data sources and link to existing available databases.